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How to Fix Telescoping on Roller Shades and Blinds

How to Fix Telescoping on Roller Shades and Blinds

Mar 10th 2020

Telescoping on Roller Shades

Telescoping on roller shades occurs when the fabric of the shade is not evenly rolled up when the shade is in completely up (see below). To remedy this issue, all you need is a piece of tape!

Roller Shade Telescoping

First you need to figure out what side the shade is telescoping on. Once this is figured out, unroll the shade completely until the bare tube is showing like below.  

Roller Shade Telescoping

After the shade is unrolled, grab a piece of tape to the opposite side of where the telescoping is occurring. The more telescoping of a shade requires more tape and vice versa.

Roller Shade Telescoping

After the tape is applied, simply roll up the shade up and check if the telescoping stopped. Apply more tape if necessary until the shade is rolled up evenly.

Your roller shade should now align correctly! For any questions, email us at